Aiming to combine self-sufficiency in rice with stable consumer prices, the stable food control act of 1942 divorced producer and consumer prices . 为了同时达到大米自给和稳定消费者价格这两个目标,1942年的大众食品控制法把生产者价格和消费者价格分开了。
Rates of change in : composite consumer price index 最初的150 , 000元应课税价值
Deep - going analysis on consumer price index 编制角度解析为何统计数据与居民感受不一
Unit cost analysis and consumer price inflation 单位成本分析与消费物价通胀
The linked exchange rate system and consumer prices 联系汇率制度及消费物价
Pay increases since 1979 - comparison with consumer price index 与消费物价指数的比较
Annual rates of change in the consumer price indices 以下指数的增减率:
Consumer price indices for april 2007 二零零七年四月份消费物价指数公布
Trend of composite consumer price index for transport section 综合消费物价指数交通组别趋势
Consumer price inflation had edged up moderately 消费物价通胀稍升。